Ray Goff

​President David Lee welcomed all to the 7:00pm, November 21, 2016, meeting of the Gulf Coast Athletic Club at Craft Farms. He talked about Thanksgiving and Rivalry Week, with an excellent review of all the Power 5 Conferences.

Membership Chairman David DeMeyer, a noted Washington State fan, literally took over the meeting, but did report the Club has 104 members, and has increased members in each of the past 5 years.

President Lee did an Office Football Pool update and said the season-long contest would end after the Championship weekend slate of 15 games. Currently, Fred Dickinson is in 5th, Chris Reynolds 4th, Ron Sumpter in 3rd, the Cookie Lady in 2nd, and Battleship Bill leading the pack. It’s down to the wire!!

Dr. Gaylon McCullough introduces our Student-Athletes from Gulf Shores High School. He noted that of all 8 students (4 female and 4 male), two will be awarded scholarships in the amounts of $2,500 to $5,000. Doc also recognized Dec McCelland for gathering all the information on the candidates.

Our first recognized guest was Mary Marlow Bailey, a Senior with a 4.06 GPA. She participates in Track and Bowling, is President of the SGA, and Secretary of the Honor Society. She wants to attend Auburn University to study Political Science and then go to Law School.

Senior Conner Reese has a 3.92 GPA, plays Football, and is on the Bowling Team as well. He would like to attend South Alabama or Mississippi State to major in Engineering.

Crying Towel Guru Dec McCelland took over the dais, reviewing the Top 25, and other favorite teams. The Crying Towel was awarded to David DeMeyer and his Washington State team.

David Lee then introduced our Guest Speaker, Former Coach Ray Goff. Born in Moultrie, GA, he graduated from Colquitt HS, played Quarterback at the University of Georgia from 1974 through 1976 under Legendary Coach Vince Dooley, where they won 19 games in his last two years, earning SEC Player of the Year honors. He moved into coaching at South Carolina, then went to Georgia from 81 through 88, became Head Coach from 1989 through 1995, his best year in 91-92 when he won 9 and 10 games respectively. Coaches Muschamp and Smart both played for him. 

He is now a successful businessman outside of Athens, owing Zaxby franchises.

Football was tough for Ray, with seven operations, but asked if he’d do it again, “Absolutely”. He appreciated his parents and said they instilled great values in him. 

He played baseball and his Dad played for the Yankees. He had no favorite player who played for him, but noted Hines Ward could play any position. “You do what you say you’re going to do. Commit and don’t change.” He invited the crowd, when in Auburn, go eat at his and his family’s Zaxby’s.

After the 50-50 drawing, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.


Ozzie Newsome


Charlie Ward