Scott Myers

The Gulf Coast Athletic Club opened its September 26, 2022 meeting in the Clubhouse at Craft Farms Golf Resort at 7:00pm. President George Autrey welcomed the crowd of 60 members and guests, including parents of our Scholar Athletes.

The Football Poll has 26 participants and currently Auburnite John Boller is on top. Your Editor swears he heard his name mentioned along with Bob McDowell and our Fearless Leader. Coach Tubbs, our awesome GSHS Athletic Director, gave the Dolphin Report this week. Football has started the year at 4-1 for the first time ever in history. Volleyball is #10 in the State, and we have 74 Middle School Football players. GO, DOLPHINS!!!

Dr. Gaylon McCollough brought us our first Scholar Athletes of the year, each of whom will compete for the Male and Female Scholar Athlete Scholarships awarded each year by GCAC. Normally each scholarship awarded will be between $2,500 and $5,000, depending on the success of our fundraising activities. This year, our major event is the annual Golf Tournament at Craft Farms on Friday, November 18th . Go to our website for details.

Doc started the year off right with our Male Monthly Honoree, Kevin Ellis. He has only made all A’s his entire time in school (your Editor made one once) and scored 32 on the ACT, while maintaining a 4.38 GPA. Active in Cross Country and indoor and outdoor track, this Engineering prospect is looking at Virginia Tech, Auburn, and Purdue. Great attitude as he said “I just ran.” As a former trackster, yes!! 

Our Female Scholar Athlete and her parents couldn’t be with us. Kayleigh Steele is a member of the GSHS Soccer Team and also plays Club Soccer. She’s in the Junior Key Club and wants to be a Dentist.She’s looking at Huntingdon College and UAB Dental School.

Team Reports was handled by Dec McClelland who told our El Presidente “thanks for that well-rehearsed introduction”. After a comprehensive team by team report (meaning that if your team doesn’t win this week, don’t show up), the coveted Crying Towel was awarded to the ever gracious Karen Sabatino for her beloved Colorado Buffaloes, being buried in Boulder 45-17 by UCLA. 

Dr. McCollough did double duty and introduced our Speaker, Scott Myers, Executive Director of the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, as well as head of the Bryant-Jordan Student Athlete Scholarship program. Scott also serves as the Honorary Counsel to Guatemala. Doc knows him well as a member of the ASHOF and a strong proponent of the Bryant-Jordan Scholarship program, having established the McCollough Medical Scholarship there some 35 years ago.

The HOF is situated in downtown Birmingham across from the SEC Headquarters and is recognized as the finest Hall of Fame in the United States. 28 sports are included and honors Senior and modern Alabamians for their outstanding sports contributions. Myers, a Samford graduate, has been there 13 years and said all Alabama schools get free tours of the museum. Another fascinating program.

The 50/50 pot was awarded to Dec McClelland.

Next meeting on October 10th will feature former Mississippi State and Texas A&M Coach Jackie Sherrill. This will be a great meeting to attend.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.


Jackie Sherrill


Charlie Hussey